Closet Organization Tag

Closet Switch: Winter to Summer

This weekend I worked on my own closet and switched out my winter clothes and placed my summer clothes in their place. It was a major project for me and wanted to give you some tips. 1. Before you store your out-of-season clothing inspect each garment...

10 Ways to Get a Wardrobe That Works

(Written by Lauren, TCU Intern) Wouldn't it be nice to have a closet that is not only organized, but full of clothes that you actually wear? We all want to feel fabulous in what we wear. Fill your wardrobe with pieces that you love, that mix...

Say Goodbye to Buyer’s Regret!

[caption id="attachment_3936" align="alignleft" width="150"] Clean through your messy closet to ensure you're shopping for clothes you really need![/caption] (Written by Lauren, TCU Intern) Buyer’s regret is something we can all relate to. You bought a shirt that fit a little too loose, but you just couldn't...

Falling for fall

[caption id="attachment_3700" align="alignleft" width="300"] Organizing![/caption] What a lovely change of weather we are having!  The cold front we had yesterday is quite invigorating.  All of the sudden I felt like putting away my sundresses and slipping into comfy boots and sweaters. Last night I organized and...

Fire Your Clothes!

Fire your clothes and only keep the ones that are current, fit perfectly and most of all, make you smile!  Need a little helpful nudge, or a second opinion?  Call in the experts to organize your closet from heel to heel.  February is the month...

I believe…

"I believe everyone should look beautiful every single day. I believe your closet should never give you a headache...

Men’s Tailored Suits

The Wall Street Journal, fashion reporter Teri Agins answers questions about the new very fitted style of men’s suits. Link to article: The Wall Street Journal For the Stoltz Image take on this trend, here’s all the scoop. Kelly Zinke, of Stoltz Image, comments on this trend....


Is Your Closet Out of Control??

With the end of summer quickly approaching it's time to start thinking about your fall wardrobe. Grab a cool glass of lemonade, take a deep breath and start going through clutter in your closet. First, go through your closet, discard old hangers and throw away any...