
Celebrating 25 Years

They always say that time flies by when you are having fun. That sums up the last 25 years for me. I started my business in January 1989, after taking the aptitude test at Johnson O’Connor Research Foundation. The test results gave me a whole...

Warning Alert! – Personal Stylist Free Services

[caption id="attachment_4046" align="alignright" width="225"] Happy Shopper[/caption] More and more stores are offering free personal shopping as a benefit in their stores. Some of the high-end stores have had the personal shopping service for their customers for years. The personal shopper is actually a salesperson that is...

Stoltz Image Consulting Recognized in CBS article

(Written by Lauren, TCU Intern) Stoltz Image Consulting was listed first in a CBS/DFW article recognizing the "best personal stylists and shoppers" in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area! CLICK HERE to read the article and read more about what makes Stoltz Image Consulting services stand out...

Say Goodbye to Buyer’s Regret!

[caption id="attachment_3936" align="alignleft" width="150"] Clean through your messy closet to ensure you're shopping for clothes you really need![/caption] (Written by Lauren, TCU Intern) Buyer’s regret is something we can all relate to. You bought a shirt that fit a little too loose, but you just couldn't...

Stoltz Image Testimonial

Dear Elaine, I worked with another “image consultant” for a week, paid $1,500 dollars and had nothing to show for it. I learned the hard way that you get what you pay for and there is a reason for all the training and specialization that you...

Who Is Perceived as Frumpy?

Women are often described as frumpy.  What is frumpy?  The dictionary defines it as dowdy, not neat or smart in dress, drab, plain, dated, old-fashion, lack of taste, or unflattering.  The opposite of frumpy is "chic." Why do some women let themselves look frumpy?  I've heard...

The Beauty of Color

The most important fashion word for Spring 2008 is "color."  After a season of neutrals, color is the key trend for spring. My favorite quotation about color is by an English poet of the 18th century who wrote, "Persons are often misled in regard to their...