Color Analysis

Redo Your Color Analysis

Recently a client came to have her color fan checked and updated. It was well worthwhile. Reasons to have an updated color analysis are: Your coloring changes with time so I recommend redoing your colors at least every ten years if not more often. After years of...

Watch a Custom Color Analysis

(Written by Lauren, TCU Intern) Have you ever wanted to see a color analysis performed? We've uploaded a new video to our YouTube channel that shows Elaine's custom color analysis being done on a client. We've condensed this hour-long process into a 7 minute video for...

Stoltz Image Testimonial

Dear Elaine, I worked with another “image consultant” for a week, paid $1,500 dollars and had nothing to show for it. I learned the hard way that you get what you pay for and there is a reason for all the training and specialization that you...

Color Analysis

We thought you might enjoy looking at a fun color analysis we did last week. What do you think?? First look at her colors...

Fun facts about a color analysis!

Benefits of a Color Analysis Our exclusive, personalized system provides you with the most flattering shades of colors personally selected for you from over 2,000 colors. You will receive a fan of color fabric swatches and learn how to use it to select clothing, accessories and...

Red Alert!

[caption id="attachment_1677" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Find Your Best Reds!"][/caption] This December, find your inner red! Do you ever have a hard time selecting your best red? Have you ever been invited to a holiday party where the host specifically asks you to dress in red? Fret no...


It's time to find out what colors compliment you! Before you go shopping for your fall wardrobe, make an appointment to find out your true colors. Have you ever wondered what shoes could possibly match with that “spicy purple dress” you love, but have never worn?...