Color Analysis Training

Color Fabric Swatches

Benefits of a Custom Color Analysis

By Elaine Stoltz AICI CIM A personalized Custom Color Analysis for women, often referred to as a "color consultation" or "color analysis," can be a valuable tool for enhancing your personal style and overall appearance. Custom Color Analysis I realized over 30 years ago that performing a color...

color fan

How Well Do You See Color ?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] We each have our own talents, but have you ever thought that maybe you have an ability that you never knew you possessed? We receive abilities from our parents through the DNA. Either you have rhythm, or you don’t. Either you have directional abilities to...

Fall/Winter Colors & How to Wear Them

2022 Fall/Winter Pantone COlors Fall is here! The unseasonably warm weather we have experienced this Fall is about to leave us.  When we were out walking in the neighborhood one evening, there was a chill in the air.  There is a definite shift in the seasons...

Virtual Custom Color Analysis

(NEW SERVICE) Elaine Stoltz is now offering a long-distance color analysis. No need to come to Fort Worth, Texas for a customized color analysis. Continue reading about Color Analysis for the details. So many potential clients tell us that they want a custom color analysis but cannot travel to...

Are you “Looking Great?”

Custom Color Fan What does “Looking Great” mean to you? Does it mean you have to receive a compliment or you must not look great? What do they compliment? Your outfit? Your jacket? Or did they say: ”Wow! You look great today!” The compliment was...

Redo Your Color Analysis

Recently a client came to have her color fan checked and updated. It was well worthwhile. Reasons to have an updated color analysis are: Your coloring changes with time so I recommend redoing your colors at least every ten years if not more often. After years of...

Watch a Custom Color Analysis

(Written by Lauren, TCU Intern) Have you ever wanted to see a color analysis performed? We've uploaded a new video to our YouTube channel that shows Elaine's custom color analysis being done on a client. We've condensed this hour-long process into a 7 minute video for...