Clothing Colors

Color and Style Analysis

You are unique and so is your coloring. Your skin, hair, and eyes differ from anyone else's coloring making you who YOU are! Wearing your right color can make you look and feel your best as well as bring out your confidence. During your color analysis,...

Warning Alert! – Personal Stylist Free Services

[caption id="attachment_4046" align="alignright" width="225"] Happy Shopper[/caption] More and more stores are offering free personal shopping as a benefit in their stores. Some of the high-end stores have had the personal shopping service for their customers for years. The personal shopper is actually a salesperson that is...

New Service Packages Now Available!

[caption id="attachment_4091" align="alignright" width="300"] Stoltz Image Color Fan[/caption] After doing a little research and talking to our clients,we have determined our most beneficial services and have updated our services list! These new services include the COPPER and SILVER packages. The Copper package (available for men and...

Michelle Obama’s Gown

Loved Michelle's Red Jason Wu's gown. The color was perfect for her; very flattering to her skin tone and a beautiful design that flattered her figure. See the lovely lady!! Congratulations!! [caption id="attachment_3779" align="aligncenter" width="193"] Stunning Red Gown[/caption] Elaine Stoltz Image Consultant       ...