April 2020

Look Great While Talking on Zoom

Look Great While Talking on Zoom or Other Videos  You need to look healthy and vibrant when you are communicating with friends, family and business connections. This is not the time to roll out of bed, put your hair in a ponytail and turn on your...

Beauty Treatments

More Beauty Tips to Do at Home

I totally understand that we are adjusting our beauty habits while sheltering-in-place. Not being able to go shopping or go for our beauty appointments is hard both physically and mentally. My major advice is to keep a routine. Continue getting up and dressing for the...

Beauty Appointments at Home

Hair Appointments Haircuts: This is definitely tough times for men and women. I have already trimmed my husband's hair. Luckily my hair can survive several months of length. The Blinc Micro Trimmer is good for trimming the brows, nose hair and ear hair. I gave every member ...