Fun facts about a color analysis!
Benefits of a Color Analysis
Our exclusive, personalized system provides you with the most flattering shades of colors personally selected for you from over 2,000 colors. You will receive a fan of color fabric swatches and learn how to use it to select clothing, accessories and cosmetics. A skin care assessment and cosmetic makeover with complimentary custom-blended foundation is also included for women.
Some other fun facts you might not know about the color analysis:
Did you know you can use the color swatches to select your nail polish? It is so difficult to pick just the right shade of nail polish! Fret no longer; using your new color swatches you can easily select a color to accentuate your own natural beauty.
Another fun fact for you to savor… use your color fan to select your car color! Why not be surrounded by your best colors!
Use your color fan to select colors to decorate your home. So many times we have clients say their house is decorated in their colors. Make it easy on yourself and use your color fan when selecting furniture to make decorating easy and simple!
Need some signature colors for your personalized stationery, business cards or a business logo? Use your colors!
Find accessories to mix and match easily by using your color swatches! Ta-da! Everything matches!
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