Don’t Let Your Face Get Left in the Past
Are you guilty of wearing the same makeup looks and colors year after year? Are you still trying to pull off black eyeliner all around your eyes, heavy foundation and a nude lip? Do you skip blush altogether or the opposite, load on bright blush? If you are letting your makeup drawer get stuck in a rut that means you also are dating your face.
The way you apply your makeup is a fashion statement. Trends come and go so to stay current and youthful, you must update your application technique continually. Blush application, in particular, has changed recently. Look at face photos in magazines. Does you blush look like that? It is just as important to stay current with your makeup application as it to stay current with your wardrobe.
This spring, make a commitment to yourself to throw out old habits. Change is hard, but to stay current it is necessary. It takes 21 days to form new habits, so changing your makeup may take some getting used to, but you’ll love a fresh new you for spring.
Are you collecting a drawer full of makeup and skincare samples? Dump your makeup drawer out on the counter and start tossing items you no longer use. Once you open and use a cosmetic product, bacteria will start growing in it, so if you bought it over a year ago for liquids and two years ago for powders, you need to discard. How many samples do you have that you will never use? Out they go. Ask yourself: “Does this cosmetic item bring me joy? Do I feel good wearing it?” Donate samples so others can enjoy.
Less is best! Having only the makeup you use daily in your drawer makes life simpler. Clutter in drawers can clutter your mind. I believe in having makeup that you wear this season. Use it up so next season you can start fresh. Makeup is super inexpensive compared to buying an outfit.
It is time to call and make your appointment for a makeover to be current this season. We have beautiful spring colors and the newest technology. For new clients it is $150 in products and for return clients, there is no charge.
If you are price conscious, you are welcome to view our cosmetic prices on our online store.

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