Resolution #2: Body Beautiful

Resolution #2: Body Beautiful

Stoltz Image Cosmetics MakeupGrowing old and remaining beautiful requires some maintenance. Here are my resolution suggestions for aging gracefully.

  1. Schedule makeup application lessons and two makeup updates per year. All women need at least a little extra color on their faces, even if it is just blush and lip gloss. Some of us require much more. But, it’s important to seek professional advice on what colors of foundation, lipstick, blush, eye shadow, and brow products will pair nicely with our natural beauty. Also, makeup techniques change with time. Scheduling makeup updates will keep your techniques from becoming dated.
  2. Address your hair style and color. Your hair covers three-quarters of your head, and it has a huge impact on your first impression. Spending money on a quality hair stylist is a must. Enjoy your natural hair color until you start graying. You will have plenty of time to experiment with hair color once you go gray. Knowing the correct hair color to complement your skin tone is critical. Also, the shape and length of your hair can either enhance your appearance or be a detriment. An outdated hair style can age you quickly. Accept your hair’s natural texture and find a flattering style that is both quick and easy.
  3. Don’t forget about your nails! Whether you perform a self-given manicure and pedicure or you regularly treat yourself to a professional appointment, taking care of your nails is a must. Your hands, in particular, are out front and seen by all who see you. And, if you show your toes, make sure that your feet are clean and perfectly polished.
  4. Get help with facial hair. For some women, facial hair becomes a concern early in life. For others, it begins with menopause. There are numerous solutions for unwanted facial hair: electrolysis, plucking, bleaching, waxing, etc. Buy a magnifying mirror and evaluate your facial hair closely.

Stay tuned for Resolution #3: Clothing Knowledge.

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