Does Your Closet Look Like Your Color Fan?

Does Your Closet Look Like Your Color Fan?

Closet & Wardrobe Consulting by Stoltz Image ConsultantsYou’ve had your colors done, but now what? How do you transform your closet into a replica of your color fan? Follow our simple steps for the perfect closet makeover.

  • Remove colors from your closet that are not on your color fan. Do not let yourself be tempted by clothing that makes you look less than your best.
  • Keep your color fan nearby! It should be your constant shopping companion and will keep you from being tempted to purchase the wrong colors.
  • Don’t get stuck in a shopping rut. Your best colors may not be in the same store each season. Broaden your horizons by trying out new shops.
  • Stop buying pieces just because they are on sale if they are not in your best colors.
  • Don’t let the sales person talk you into making a poor color purchase. Sales associates are not trained in color theory. P.S. They work on commission.

If you are having trouble finding or purchasing your colors, hire a Stoltz Image Consultant for a personal shopping session. It may take time, but when your closet looks like your color fan, it will make dressing quick, easy, and stress free!

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