Warning Alert! – Personal Stylist Free Services

Warning Alert! – Personal Stylist Free Services

Personal Shopping

Happy Shopper

More and more stores are offering free personal shopping as a benefit in their stores. Some of the high-end stores have had the personal shopping service for their customers for years. The personal shopper is actually a salesperson that is working on a commission. Now to encourage shoppers to actually come into their stores instead of online shopping, numerous mid-price stores and lower-price stores are offering the service.

 The NBC Today Show presented a segment on this on Saturday, Oct 26, 2013.  When interviewing the personal shopper, her recommendation for the customer coming in to the store to use the free service, was to bring a file with her sizes, her colors and her clothing styles that are best for her.  The personal shopper is NOT a trained image consultant and is only a salesperson that knows the inventory and is capable of putting outfits together.

 It is most important for you to first learn what colors, lines and designs are best for clothing that will flatter you. A well-trained image consultant is an expert at determining your best colors and styles for clothing and accessories. We also know how to create outfits that enhance your own natural beauty and that you feel extremely comfortable wearing.

 Our Bronze Image Package is perfect to provide you all the information you will need to start shopping either on your own or with a personal shopper. You will be a wise shopper then.

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