Toner, the secret to perfectly balanced skin…

Toner, the secret to perfectly balanced skin…

Skin Care: Papaya Enzyme Toner

Skin Care: Toner

Toner, one simple five letter word that makes all the difference in how your skin looks and rejuvenates itself. Balancing the pH factor in your skin is so highly important cosmetic companies have spent TONS of money researching the perfect chemistry between moisturizing and toning your skin.

You reap the benefits of this research, because toners are a vital little product that will really make a massive difference in the condition of your skin.

Toner is not just for oily prone skin. It is a quick 30 second step that enhances everyone’s skin. Think of it as the great equalizer, 30 second swipe with a cotton ball magic trick, the pamper your skin step…. Ok, so I think you have the idea.

I want you to use a toner every day after you cleanse. It only takes less than 30 seconds folks, to moisten a cotton ball and swipe it gently across your face. Not only does toner help balance the pH of your skin it also refines the surface texture and reduces pore size. Purify your pores and refresh your skin! Do it!

Pore Refining Toner for: oily skin

Papaya Enzyme Cleanser for: thirsty skin

Chinese Tea Facial Rinse: To calm irritation and redness

Find these and more in our Online Store!

Till tomorrow! Cleanse and Tone, Cleanse and Tone!

Stay tuned to learn how to add a little Vitamin C to your Day!

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